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Acceptance into colleges and universities is becoming increasingly competitive. Although the top-choice schools have high SAT/ACT score requirements, your score should never keep you from attending your dream college. Plus, with the right score, you may also be eligible for a multitude of scholarships! No matter your test-taking needs, Kuma Learning Center is here to help.
The SAT consists of four sections and an optional essay and is offered each school year in October, November, December, January, March, May, and June. Most students take it in the spring of their junior year. Some repeat the exam in the fall of their senior year. Those who realize its importance begin taking it in their sophomore or even freshman year. Compared to the ACT, the SAT is harder and requires a higher academic skill level. It is recommended for students who need to challenge themselves and unlock their full academic potential.
Many students are choosing the ACT as their college entrance exam. The ACT measures aptitude in English, Math, Reading, and Science; plus, it can be taken with or without a writing test component. The ACT is offered each school year in September, October, December, February, April, and June. Most students take it in the spring of their junior year. Some repeat the exam in the fall of their senior year. ACT results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the U.S.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multi-aptitude test battery in the world. As an aptitude test, the ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides you with career information for various civilian and military occupations and indicates success in future endeavors whether you choose to go to college, vocational school, or begin a military career.
The High School Placement Test (HSPT®) was the first test battery designed specifically to deal with selection and/or placement of students entering high school from various elementary schools. Since 1955, the HSPT has provided measures in major skill areas as well as cognitive skill criteria, resulting in the most comprehensive placement test available. The entire battery is standardized with the current population of soon-to-be high school students. This produces results that are directly comparable for all test areas and can be related to the level of the students as entering freshman.